This tag is kind of hard to do. A: because my addictions change frequently, and B: because I have posted several times about my real addictions, so it might be boring and redundant. Oh well, I guess I will spill the beans and tell you what I can't live without.
1. Costco. Weird I know, but I find myself really craving a trip to St George to go to Costco. I have found some great things there and I usually feel pretty satisfied after I leave. I guess it is more of an addiction to shopping, but I really love finding a good deal, and Costco comes through for me a lot.
2. I won't really put my food addictions on here because I would be embarrassed to tell you all what kind of crap I eat, and I would need more than a list of 5 things. So I will only put this one guilty pleasure I indulge in as my food item. Red Cream Soda! So de-lish. I don't really drink it a lot, but recently I have been giving in to the need and drinking it almost daily. I know, I know, the 5K and the soda don't really mix, but leave me alone, like I said, my food addictions are pretty short lived and as soon as the 12-pack in my fridge is gone I will move on.
3. This one is obvious, if you know me even a little, you can guess this one. Disneyland. Love it, crave it, can't live without it. It makes me happy just thinking about being there. I think Walt is secretly my Grandpa and my Mom is keeping a family secret from me. I wish I could visit monthly. Love, love, love it!
4. This bleepity-bleepin (those are swear words) Internet. I really have a love hate relationship with this computer. I can't hardly go a day without it, but it takes up so much of my precious time that I have really bad guilt. On a good note, I find out all I need to know about my family and their happenings on Facebook, I know a lot of things about my friends that I may not know otherwise from their blogs, and I know who was arrested and for what, within minutes of their stupid move. So I guess it really is a good thing.
5. A clearance sale. I really never buy something unless it is a killer deal. But on that same note, I buy things that are a killer deal, just because they are a deal. I have become better at this and I really ponder if it is a true need or just a really bad want. Most often it isn't a need, so the percent off the original price, combined with the final amount, mixed with the who's birthday is coming up, and do I have any where to put it, determine my final answer, which is usually "it's too good to pass up" so I better buy it. That explanation I just gave is the precise reason I haven't been shopping in a LONG time; I don't have any money to spend on that 75% off silver platter!
So there ya go, a few of my many addictions. I decided to leave out the porn, marijuana, hard alcohol, and swinger parties, I pretty much have those under control, it's those other's that I mention above that are really damaging my relationships and ruining my life!
I tag: anyone who will blab their inner-most secrets and tell us your own addictions!
8 years ago