I am going to ramble here for a while because, well, I just feel like it! I have a facebook account, and some of my friend and relatives there are doing a "what I am thankful for" post each day. I pondered doing this challenge, but decided I didn't want to, not because it would get difficult towards the end (this is what people posted in their challenge, that is gets hard toward the end of the month after posting for 3 weeks) but because I knew I wouldn't be able to post ALL I am thankful for in just 30 days or less. I have never kept a gratitude journal, but have often thought how easy it would be for me to think of something everyday to be grateful for. Maybe if I was actually writing it down it we be more challenging than thinking it in my head, but it seems like a cake walk to do that everyday. I can't possibly post about EVERYTHING here, but I am going to consolidate into categories and see if I can keep this rather short!
My testimony and beliefs in what is important in life. I can't imagine going through the everyday tasks of life, and wondering what will happen to me or those I love when we pass on. I can't fathom life without prayer, I can't comprehend the thought of life without a loving Father who wants happiness for me and cares about me more than I could ever understand. I don't know if I would ever leave my home or let my children out a 10 foot radius of me, if I didn't know the plan of salvation...can't imagine I would.
My amazing and ever-loving family. From my "best-on-the-planet" parents, to my fantastic husband, I have THE absolute no if-and's-or-but's about it greatest family ever!!! I have been blessed with awesome children whom I love dearly and treasure as my greatest gift. Shae is an amazing daughter who is kind and smart and responsible. Ashton is adorable and hilarious and loving. Jourden is sweet and goofy and affectionate. I love them all SO very much, I couldn't imagine life without any one of them. Geoff is the greatest partner I could ever desire. He is an awesome Dad and my best friend. We are true "soul-mates" (for lack of a better word). My Mom and Dad are perfect parents and I owe them credit for any "good" attributes I may have, (I actually credit them for a lot more than that, cause that's not a whole lot to brag about!) I could go on about my sisters and brother, and my Grandparents and such, but just know I love them also and cherish my great relationships with all of them.
I am ever grateful for the United States of America. For those brave souls who have made it the greatest country ever, and those who still show their bravery daily to keep it that way. As scary as the future looks to me, and as many freedoms and liberties I see deteriorating, I know this country is still the greatest, and I love all it stands for and allows me in my everyday life. God bless the USA!
I am thankful to be me. I know that sounds weird because I am sure no one reading this would ever want to be me, and sometimes I am not to fond of the idea either, but I truly love being who I am, where I am, and how I am. I love being able to walk and talk and breath and smell and taste and touch and hear and see. I love my body (as hideous as it may be!!) I love doing all I can with it and having "it" each day is a gift. You never know when the time will come that your body is through. I am sure I could be much happier if I took better care of my body, but none the less, I love all the things this flesh and bone blob allows me to enjoy.
I think I will stop now, although my mind is just flowing with gratitude that I would love to share. I am SO eternally grateful, thankful and blessed to have such an abundant life. My cornucopia flows over with so much. Most of the time, I don't even deserve it!
8 years ago