Friday, January 23, 2009

I'm going to do it!

I got a phone call today from a friend, this is our conversation for the first 20 seconds..(her)" Hey, what are you doing? (me)"Oh, I am making a double batch of cookies," "great! I am calling to see if you want to train for a marathon with me" "sure, count me in." The conversation continues with her explaining why she wants to, her explaining her motivation, why we should do it together, yadda yadda yadda. I already told her it was a go on my end. My sudden agreement to start to train for an actual race came as a real shock to myself since I haven't ran AT ALL since I was probably 14 and was "so blessed" with my more-than-necessary DD's. It is really quite painful to run, and I am always scared of the sag factor if I jostle them any more than necessary! So, when my excitement to jump on the running wagon came so freely from my lips, I was really surprised. I think it comes from my success with losing weight that I have had for the past year, and the desire to "get down" to where my goals will be finally met after years of letting pregnancy and the knowledge of having more kids, wreak havoc on my body and motivation to lose it. We obviously won't be running a marathon, but we would both like to do a half marathon and look at that as a goal for the future. I have a lot of "those" chicks that read my blog that I am looking for advice from. "Those" is referring to you skinny runner girls who look fantastic in spandex and train for a week and are ready for a 1/2. Give me your advice, tell me what not to do, let me know what races are good to start with and where to start. I know it will take a while to even get to the point that I am comfortable running, so I don't have to many expectations for a while, but I am excited to get back in shape. I would love to get to the point that I think running is "fun". Right now I look at it as absolute cruel and unusual punishment. I would love to like it. So ladies, pump me up, tell me I can do it-lie to me if needs be, I am going to start running! ( okay, I will start walking, then maybe a light jog, and then we'll see!) So I'm off to find a good bra, actually I'm off to find 3, I need all the "support" I can get~!



Oh, dang! Sorry! I'm not one of THOSE girls. In fact, I'm currently the size of a double-wide. And DDs are sounding great right now. But good luck to ya! :-)

Seriously, can SO do this, Heidi! If I can run, anyone can. I haven't done a half, but you could be my motivation for 6-9 months from now. How's that for a goal? You run NOW, I run LATER with ya. Of course, you'll be a pro by then, and one of THOSE chicks.

Do it! Imagine the feeling when you finish that marathon!


I really do feel your pain. I know it's hard to imagine but before my kids I as well was a DD. I never ran. It hurt way too much. Now of course I no longer have the excuse and therefore I do run. However only just beginning a couple of years ago. It does get easier. I guess that's about all the advice I have. As long as you push yourself just a little bit further each time I'm sure you will meet your goal.

Your amazing for just saying yes. I can't wait for your first race. You've put it out there now so no turning back.

Good Luck!


I like to run, but not one of "those girls" I would say start slow. When you feel ready to race do a 5K there are a ton of those in the spring, summer and fall. Then when you feel done with that move up to a 5 mile run like the Rim Run.
Just remember to always strech before and after. That will help with saying injury free.
You will do great!


That cartoon is hilarious!! You CAN do it and I know you will! I have been meaning to tell you how fabulous you look! Just start out with short distances and try to increase it each time. Taryn is right...Always stretch especially after you run. You won't love it at first. It will be really tough but don't let that stop you because you will get to that point eventually where you will actually enjoy it! Good luck! Your awesome!

Caid and Alicia Evans

Yay! You are going to LOVE it! :) I definatley don't have the DD problem to worry about though--i'm on the other end of the spectrum-- yep, As. Proud of it! ;)
I HATED running at first, but it takes about a good 2 weeks of running consistantly to really start to "CrAvE" a nice run. But it doesn't matter the distance...start small, and you will be able to eventually just keep on going! :) It's a great feeling!
STRETCH for sure, I always stretch for about 15-20 min and then stretch afterwards.
I agree with your friend to start with the 5ks that will be in the spring and summer--its a great way to started!
I'm no "pro" or one of "those" girls either, but i have learned tricks along the way from other runniners that has helped me..
#1:is energy "goo" pack--yeah i know.. sounds good right?
#2: eat good carbs before you run, and lots, lots of water before (like 1 hour before) stay hydrated.
#3: I like to take an excedrine before for the caffine and to help with the pain afterwards.. works like a charm!
Well, there's no way I could have finished my 1/2 without the go pack. I'll bring some down with me next time we come for you to try!
We should go on a short jog while i'm down if you're up for it! let me know! GOOD LUCK! You'll do AWESOME!!
When is the 1/2 that you are going to do?


OK, first of all-I have NO DD's!! I hate to run the first three miles. But I have plenty of runners mags that you can look at that can train you for "your first 1/2 marathon" even for the beginner! You CAN do it! GET A GOOD BRA! Don't go to WalMart! You're going to have to pay some bucks for one that are going to keep them babies still! Ladies - lets start a bra fund for Heidi! She can do this! Right on!!!!! I am excited for you!


I hate running but I am doing it too. Of course, I am not doing it yet for all the world to see. I have a bowling alley unfinished basement and I run 8x back and forth then walk back and forth 8x then do my bottom stairs 8times. I have gradually moved myself up to 3 repetitions of this. I'm working on 4 now. I believe you can do this. And if you want to come run with me in my very private basement for a while, feel free. In fact, I was about to toss in the towel on running today and you totally remotivated me. Thanks!