Friday, October 31, 2008


Never give a stressed-out Mom a pumpkin and a power tool!


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

"8" Tag

8 TV Shows I watch:
We don't have TV in our house right now, an AXE bodyspray commercial put Geoff over the "smut" tolerance point and we had our Dish shut off, it has been actually pretty nice!
"If" I watched, it would be these:
  • House
  • Biggest Loser
  • Discovery Health (anything on this channel-love it)
  • The Hills (I know, shut-up)
  • Survivor
  • UFC (I know, shut-up again)
  • Amazing Race
  • Jon and Kate Plus 8

8 Things I did yesterday:

  • folded laundry- forever! I always wash, but despise folding and putting away!
  • went on a walk
  • read to Jourden
  • thought about and coveted my parents all day (Disneyland again!)
  • had twins sisters over for dinner
  • cleaned up puke-daily!
  • got a UPS delivery- I love getting packages in the mail
  • slept like a rock!

8 Things I look forward to:

  • Murder Mystery at the Deadwood Saloon- woo hoo
  • The Holidays
  • Disneyland- next visit better be soon!
  • November 5th!
  • snow
  • after Thanksgiving sales- I love a bargain
  • temple on Saturday
  • end of the recession

8 Places I like to eat:

  • My Grandmas house
  • PF Changs
  • Samurai 21
  • My backyard
  • Cheesecake Factory
  • Indian Creek lakeside
  • Mimi's Cafe
  • Macaroni Grill

8 Things on my Wish list:

  • debt free- no mortgage would be so dreamy
  • Smart ForTwo
  • Buick Enclave (I know Buick= Grandma, but I totally dig this car!)
  • more patience with my children
  • to be skinny again- yes hard to believe, I once was
  • butcher block island
  • white Christmas
  • Peace on Earth- okay, I will settle for just in my home

8 People I tag:

  • Brie
  • Jamie
  • Alicia
  • Marti
  • Jo
  • Stacy
  • Anyone else who hasn't been tagged yet-if you want to.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Guilty Pleasure

I have been trying to "DO" better at life. I find myself lacking in so many ways and I have realized this all along, but as of just recently, I have not been content just being "good." The more blessed I am, the more I realize I need to do more. By do more, I am referring to my spiritual well-being I guess. I am what I would consider righteous, but I should try to become "really-righteous" I am so happy with my new found desire to do so, but at the same time, I am recognizing what I call my "guilty-pleasures"! I won't go to Hell (hopefully) for these little pieces of excitement, but I do realize I get no rewards in Heaven, and maybe even a few punishments on earth. But, some I do enjoy so much and would have serious issues giving them up, so for now, leave me alone (yes I am talking to you conscience!) and let me have my naughty moment.

A "few" of my guilty pleasures (and I mean only a few):
  • Internet- I could sit here for hours, and I have mounds of laundry!
  • Swedish Fish- I can eat them till I'm sick
  • Newly arrested inmates- I snoop almost daily on the Iron County bookings
  • Hershey Bliss- So delicious, so fattening
  • Sleeping in- it hardly ever happens, but when it does.....mmmmm!
  • Soda- not a lot, it is SO not good for you, but it is so satisfying
  • Reading- not really bad, unless you are a Mom to 3 with oodles of cleaning!
  • Costa Vida- the whole family likes it, but I really should just cook dinner
  • Sneaking into the jacuzzi alone at night- no one needs to know do they?
  • "Making out" like a teenager with my hubby- eww gross! (my kids think)
  • My cleaning lady- isn't that MY job?
  • A new pair of shoes- I only pretend to feel bad
  • Talking to that one friend who always has juicy news- I don't ask for it!
  • Sunday nap- not often, but I do have a family I ignore for a few hours

I could go on forever, but I am beginning to sound like a ginormous loser and I am starting to feel some guilt coming on, so I must quit! I can't afford to waist my guilt on this silly post, I have much better things to fret over!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Just a Few Pics of the Happiest Place on Earth!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Going Through Withdrawls!!!

This economy Stinks!! Since my dear hubby is self-employed, in the construction field none the less, we aren't necessarily rollin' in the dough right now. Any one who's been in this line of work can understand the feast or famine life we live. We are grateful to be "making it" and paying our bills, but we would definitely like to be back where we were 2 years ago. I am not complaining, don't get me wrong, I am extremely blessed and have more than I could ask for, but darn it, I am supposed to be at my favorite place on earth right this very minute, and instead I am screaming at my children and freakin out about my house that looks like a bomb went off in. UEA is an awesome time to get a mini vacation and give one last hurrah for decent weather, instead I am blogging for enjoyment and no travel is planned for the next long while. Nothing (almost nothing) makes me happier than DISNEYLAND!! I have been there so many times I could never count them. Jourden has been 8 times- he's 2. It is definitely an addiction that runs rampant through my family. Just as alcoholism can be hereditary, this is for my family. My parents often visit without any children, and they and all four of my siblings, and their spouses and kids have annual passes- and we all live here, and whenever any of us have an extra 10 dollars we head to Anaheim. Call us crazy-Geoff certainly does, but it is our veins. My awesome hubby (who is not the biggest fan) is so great to let me frequent the parks (I love them both) way more than he would like. He complains every time I mention the next time we should go, but ends up taking us anyway. He even flew there last trip and surprised us because he didn't go down with us. (He is a closet Disneyland fan!) I know of several people there right now and I am not jealous of the masses of crowds that UEA (Utah Enters Anaheim-not the real term, but fits better) brings, but I am still jealous no matter how crowded it is. HalloweenTime is so dang fun there. We went to Mickeys Halloween Treat last year and had so much fun. My kids literally filled an entire suitcase with candy from trick-or-treating in the park, and we still have some of that candy from a year ago! I bet it weighed 40 pounds and I am not exaggerating!

I guess I will just have to dream, until a few more people dare brave the crap economy and build a house or two, COME ON PEOPLE, I need my Fix!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Fun Weekend

I must admit, on occasion, I need a break from the monotony of the daily grind. I'm sure none of you can understand that, right? Eight years ago we went to the Haunted Forest in American Fork with some of Geoffs family. We ALL (don't lie Geoff) got scared and had a total blast. Literally scared the pee out of his sister and we have talked about how much fun we had for all these years since. So we planned a child free weekend to do it again. Thanks to my parents, we were able to go for 2 nights and enjoy a much needed date with each other. The big plans of a huge group dwindled down to his sister Brie and her Fiance Tony and ourselves, staying with Geoffs brother Greg and his wife Becky; it was their 5 year anniversary and they so graciously gave us their awesome bed and slept on the floor-THANKS guys, I hope you celebrate alone and have a little more romantic date! We went shopping for Halloween stuff, shopped for flower girl dresses, ate like glutenous pigs (several times!) and laughed at each other rocking out on Rock Band. We decided of all the haunted house there are in northern Utah, we would try the same one that scared us so bad before. No one peed this time and a few of us got wounded- including me, but we still had a blast and laughed a lot. I think we had more adrenaline pumping through our veins than we thought we did, and we all knocked out that night pretty hard. The four of us who went up together decided to go to the Body Worlds exhibit the next day and drove to Salt Lake from Provo. WOW! I loved looking at the human body in that way. I now know exactly what every organ, bone, vein, muscle, tendon and a few tumors look like up close and personal-way cool! We headed home after more overeating and a little more shopping. We had a great weekend and enjoyed spending time with his little bro and sis. I always love seeing my kids after a day or two away and even though getting caught up on the laundry and cleaning after trips away really stinks, I still love being a stay at home Mom to my adorable, loud, fighting, messy kids!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Les Miserables- AWESOME!

Oh WOW! I love Tuacahn in Ivins. I have been fortunate enough to have seen several performances there, and every time I leave, I am in awe of what an amazing experience I just witnessed. The last production I watched there was Utah! and it has been a few years. I was there this spring with Shae to see the Colbie Callait concert, since then I have been wishing I would go, all summer long I kept putting off getting tickets because I guess I am just lazy? Well my sisters called me (via conference call-Ha Ha) and wondered if I would get the tickets online and go with them. My Mom and brother had attended the night before and had them pretty riled about what an excellent production it was. Since Les Miserables is one of the best musicals ever, it didn't take much prodding and I was in. As luck would have it, we ended up buying fantastic 7th row seats and headed to St George Thursday afternoon. My older sister has a 6 month old breast-feeding baby, so that was kind of tricky, but we worked it out and headed to Tuacahn. Beautiful weather, awesome seats, great company, and an outstanding production- OMGosh! If you have never been to that amphi-theatre, do it! So, so good, it was a true Broadway production. I think I will take Geoff to it next week and see it one more time- really. I loved it!