WARNING-This is long, but hey, so was my night!
So yesterdays post was pretty funny once I looked at it from an outsiders view, I must admit. Well if you laughed yesterday, you might cry for me today. So you understand that I am very tired from the previous night "sleep" so I decide to go to bed early, about 9 I am getting pretty excited about it. I get to bed at about 10:45 (way good for me, I'm a night owl) I always fall asleep fast because I am so drained from the day, and miraculously Jourden had fallen asleep before me which rarely happens, he usually follows me around the house until I pick him up and put him in my bed. Well my sisters little boy has had a pretty gnarly cough, turns out he has RSV- I know, already! Well he and my Jourden are good buddies so I knew it was coming. Since Jourden was premature, his lung/breathing "system" isn't that great. If he gets a tiny cold, it automatically turns to a bad cough. He has pretty bad activity induced asthma and has a hard time kicking anything that has gotten to his lungs. Well he starts coughing his poor little head off probably an hour after I go out (I was almost comatose-seriously) I always try to ignore his hacking because it is a true nightmare to get him to take medicine, we always end with a ginormous mess. Geoff on the other hand groans and cusses like I am making him cough on purpose to keep him awake or something! "Can't you give him something-(grunt)(moan) roll-over (cuss)" I am well-aware he is coughing, he sleeps on my arm mind you. I ignore some more, then to save myself another "comment" from my loving husband I get out of bed, of course Jourden gets up too, and I go for the medicine. We have some Triaminic strips that dissolve on your tongue, but he always spits them out before they can dissolve. I try one anyway and he screams and spits but I figure he got a little of the stuff in him and we go back to bed. Doesn't really work, but his poor little body is too beat down to cough any more and he falls a sleep. (We go through the same scenario several times- minus the medicine) A few hours later he starts back up, harder coughing, louder moaning from Geoff, the whole shebang. I am at crying stage now, so exhausted, wish the night were over, all you Mom's get it right? Well I get up after 30 mins or so to try the other medicine, the kind he really hates! I sleep in my garments only, if you didn't get that from yesterdays story, and I had taken the medicine dropper in a bag that happened to still be in the car, that happened to not be parked in the garage, so I go outside in my underwear, Jourden on my hip, and start scouring for the medicine dropper. Please no neighbors be awake, it is 6am by now, so they easily could be. I give him some of the disgusting cough syrup and fight the fight again. He has to be laying down or we really have a mess, so we are back in bed. Geoff can get up for work now so I don't care that we are disturbing him anymore (maybe I didn't anyway- but at least I took him out of the room a few times!) Jourden screams spits, flails you name it. He starts coughing again because it is gross and here it comes- puke all over me-yes I said puke, for the second night on a row only this time there wasn't even a toilet in sight! The bed is covered, he is covered, my pillow, me Arghhh! You know the routine from there so I won't explain. Next I try a breathing treatment, it usually helps, we lay back in bed (away from the wet spot) and I start the Albuterol treatment- doesn't help, instantly turns his cough to croup! What the heck!!! The poor boy is so tired- I feel his pain, so I just lay by him and try to get him to sleep. Eventually it happens and it's time to get the kids up for school. I get out of bed and 2 minutes later here comes Jourden crying with this horrible croup cry. I get the kids, clothes, hurry and get them some breakfast and tell them to get ready. I take Jourden back to bed, start a different breathing treatment-this one for croup and lay there trying not to bawl. Luckily my kids stay on task and come in dressed and fed and ready for hair-do's. Geoff stopped in for something, realized I still had issues and gave the kids lunch money (I have made them lunch everyday till today!) Hey, Thanks Geoff!
you poor thing. I probably would have been crying and yelling. When it gets to that point I don't care who wakes up. They should all feel my pain... you should get mom of the year.
Oh my gosh! I feel so bad. It is so hard to be sleep deprived and still have to do all the mom stuff! I really hope tonight is better.
Don't you love how husbands still get to sleep. I'm so sorry. Can I bring you some chocolate or icecream or a paradise pie or something?!
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